Managing your portfolio’s course

You grant power of attorney to District Global Advisors, entrusting our professional team with the day-to-day management of your portfolio. We will make routine buy, hold and sell decisions based on our opinion of what is the appropriate action to optimize your assets.

Although these decisions are made without seeking your authorization, it is important to remember that District Global Advisors is contractually prevented from purchasing assets that fall outside the limits of the risk tolerance agreed upon with you so you need never worry that your capital is being exposed to unsuitable investments.

Observing client risk aversion

Every client has a different level of tolerance to investment risk. At District Global Advisors, we ensure that you are never uncomfortable with the level of risk to which your portfolio is exposed. Clients with a lower tolerance for risk will generally prefer less volatile investments, including blue-chip equities, dividend-paying stocks or other equities, mutual funds, bonds or Certificates of Deposit.

On the other hand, investors seeking higher-risk investments with higher potential yields might look favorably toward small and medium-cap equities, commodities, derivatives, or similar options.

Benefits of portfolio management

Electing to use District Global Advisors’s comprehensive portfolio management service provides a client with several benefits including:

  • The cumulative professional training and experience of our investment management team
  • Expert, in-depth research and analysis supporting every investment decision at the corporate and macroeconomic level
  • The best path for reaching your investment objectives at the lowest ultimate cost
  • Continual portfolio monitoring with regular reviews to keep you informed of your investments’ status
  • Observance of strict and well-defined guidelines concerning what assets may or may not be included in your portfolio
  • Personal freedom to pursue other professional or leisure activities while leaving the day-to-day asset management details to us

You decide when to buy or sell

District Global Advisors' trade-only service gives clients the ability to manage their asset portfolio directly. Buy or sell orders are transmitted to District Global Advisors staff, who complete the transaction on the client’s behalf, without providing any financial counseling or advice.

Freedom to trade . . . your way

Clients who take advantage of District Global Advisors’s trade-only service receive numerous benefits:

  • Direct and unrestricted access to financial markets worldwide
  • Trades executed promptly according to your explicit buy or sell orders
  • Very competitive pricing, thanks to our extensive global partner network
  • Smooth global transaction settlement